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A group of volunteers whom coordinate Hispanic festivals and presentations throughout the St. Louis area and whose purpose is to unite all Hispanics regardless of their social, economical and political background.  At the same time, share the rich and colorful Hispanic culture with the Greater St. Louis area.  The Hispanic Festival, Inc. is led by Haniny Hillberg, a native Bolivian and active member in the Hispanic Community.  All members of the Hispanic Festival, Inc. are volunteers and come from many different professional backgrounds:  marketing, customer service, human resources, information technology, finance, sales, fundraising, and entertainment.  The committee members are made up of not only Hispanics, but also Anglo-Americans and African Americans.





The Hispanic Festival mission is to help increase regional awareness of the spectrum of cultural contributions made by Hispanic musicians, dancers, artisans, and chefs.  This also serves to preserve these vibrant traditions and to educate the next generation/s, including the examples of Latin American children who have come to the United States through adoption and who otherwise might not experience these art forms.

Follow us on Instagram @hispanic_festival_inc

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